Using the right mask
You can switch masks efficiently and enjoy the show only when you know that you are something beyond the mask.
Using the right mask
You all play different roles, use different masks in your day-to-day lives. You use one mask with your mother, a different mask with your father, a different one with your boss and so on.
As long as you use the right masks with the right people, it is alright. The moment you use the wrong mask with a person, be aware that your ego has stepped in.
All you have to do is switch masks efficiently and enjoy the show. Then you are a watcher. You can do this only when you know that you are something beyond the mask. Otherwise, you will get carried away by the mask and lose the whole charm of life. When you know that you are only using masks, your desires drop. Just like when you grow up, you automatically drop your toys, in the same way, when you look at these masks intelligently, you don’t have any desire for them and simply use them as needed.
Ego is born from discontentment
If you are a strong egoistic person, you don’t need a separate hell because the mind can exist
only in conflict and discontentment. With contentment, with satisfaction, you will lose your boundary. That is why you don’t want joy or bliss. Please never think you want bliss. No! Actually you are afraid of joy and bliss. Whenever you go through a peaceful, noworry feeling, just watch yourself. You feel you are missing something when there is nothing to think about! Unless you have something strong to brood over, you don’t have a clear-cut boundary in your inner space.
Your mind exists when it hits the corners of your suffering. You don’t feel your boundary or your identity unless you have enough suffering. If you look a little deeper, you will understand that many times you feel lonely if you don’t have anything to worry or suffer about. That is the way you believe yourselves to be, because by its nature, the mind can record only negative things. The mind can flourish, it can create more thoughts, it can more clearly identify with suffering, dissatisfaction and discontentment. The quality of joy is boundarylessness. When you are in joy, you won’t feel your boundary. Whenever you don’t feel your boundary, you are in a state of joy, in a satisfied and contented mood.