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In the Vedic experience, teleportation was a common practice. Teleportation is a siddhi -Siddhis are the birthright of each person. Paramahamsa Nithyananda – a master of meditation who has himself achieved many siddhis including teleportation, is passionately committed to reviving the ancient Vedic sciences and bringing them into daily life to benefit humanity.

 Teleportation is a term most people associate with science fiction movies and fantasy novels. In the Harry Potter World, teleportation is often used although it is called apparition, a spell which allows the user to instantaneously teleport from one location to another. American Star Trek films give a strong visual impression of the spaceship crew dissolving into beams of light, and then seeing those beams reassemble into human forms in a different location. But is this really possible in daily life, in today’s world as we know it?

Scientists have been hard at work for more than a century seeking to make teleportation available to society

Scientists have been hard at work for more than a century seeking to make teleportation available to society. Physicists have recognized that today’s fantasy is tomorrow’s reality. Just as the conveniences that are taken for granted – microwave, radio, computer, and more recently cellular phone and Internet — were each deemed impossible until they were pioneered by ground-breaking inventors, so the curious thinkers of the 21st century look forward to proving that teleportation is not only possible, but practical.

What Is Teleportation?

The word teleportation is composed of the Greek root telos, meaning “at a distance”, and the Latin root portare, “to carry” or to move. Teleportation means to move an object over a long distance. What it also means, although this is not included in the word, is that the object leaves one location and arrives at the other without travelling by any means of transportation available at the present time. is a lost science, which used to be common in the ancient world

Modern science regards teleportation as a new concept requiring new technology. Actually, it is a lost science, which used to be common in the ancient world. Researchers understand the theory involved, but no one yet has developed the necessary equipment.

Experiments and Perceptions in Modern Science

What most of people think of as teleportation involves the physical relocation of an object. The object disappears from one place and pops up in another.

Scientifically, this means that the molecular structure of the object is disassembled, the particles of matter are converted into energy, the energy particles are sent to a designated location, and then are re-converted into matter and arranged back into the shape they previously had.

Contemporary physicists agree that this process is possible. However, until the technology is well-tested there is too much danger of injury to experiment on living beings. The current experiments are focusing on minute particles at the sub-atomic and molecular level.

Initial Laboratory Success

In 1998 a team of researchers at California Institute of Technology successfully teleported a photon across a distance of approximately one meter. However, during the process the original object was destroyed.

Most physicists feel that destruction of the original object is inevitable, since only one item of a specific arrangement of molecules can exist at the same time. This is the potential risk in teleportation, because the matter must be dismantled and reassembled swiftly enough to prevent loss of life.

Ongoing Research

International studies have continued to proliferate as scientists around the world have experimented with teleportation, seeking a formula to safely move living beings across space. In 2002, an Australian team announced that they had succeeded in making a beam of light disappear and reappear in a different location.

When physicists talk about ‘teleportation’, they are describing the transfer of “quantum states” between separate atoms

More successes followed in 2004 as two independent groups conducted different experiments. The University of Innsbruck in Austria and the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Colorado USA each was able to transport an atom from one location to another within a laboratory setting. Their report comments: “When physicists talk about ‘teleportation’, they are describing the transfer of “quantum states” between separate atoms. These would be such things as an atom’s energy, motion, magnetic field and other physical properties. The ability to transfer key properties of one particle to another without using any physical link has until now only been achieved with laser light.”Australian National University physicist Ping Koy Lam was able to disassemble a laser light at one end of an optical communications system, and recreate a replica of it just one meter away. The most likely usefulness of this form of teleportation is expected to take place in telecommunications, enabling a much faster transfer of data along with the use of encryption that can never be broken.

For human beings to be teleported, however, a machine would have to be built that could pinpoint and analyse the billions of atoms that compose the human body. When interviewed, Dr Lam commented that human teleportation most probably has a long way to go. Teleportation is still experimental at the single-atom level.

In 2006, physicists at the Niels Bohr Institute (Denmark), led by Eugene Polzik, teleported photons across half a meter and used them to illuminate a cloud of atoms. This was considered a milestone because it involved teleportation between light and matter, two different objects. Dr. Polzik remarked in his press release: “Light is the carrier of information, and the atom cloud is the storage medium (for that information). “ He observed that he and his colleagues expect to be able to duplicate the results over greater distances in future experiments.

A team from the University of Vienna, Austria, headed by Dr. Robert Ursin, raised the bar for teleportation in 2007 when they succeeded in transporting photons from the island of La Palma to the neighboring island of Tenerife, at a distance of 89 miles of open ocean, with the assistance of fiber-optic cables.

Latest Breakthrough

Breakthroughs have continued steadily. The latest record has been set by Jian-Wei Pan of the University of Science and Technology in Shanghai. They have transported photons across Qinghai Lake, a distance of 97 kilometers (approximately 40 miles) of water. The experiment was conducted without the use of fiber-optics, making it the longest teleport across free space. The fiber-optic cables keep the photon path narrow and linear, while in free space they may drift out of alignment and fail to arrive properly.

Quantum Teleportation

In quantum physics, entanglement allows sub-atomic units, called quanta, to exchange information over vast distances..

These experiments have a common thread. They operate at the atomic level, and they work because of a physics principle known as entanglement. In quantum physics, entanglement allows sub-atomic units, called quanta, to exchange information over vast distances once they have been energetically connected. Energetic connections can include, but are not limited to, sharing an electric pulse or being exposed to the same chemical while they are close to each other.

Like many other discoveries in the world of physics, entanglement was first noted by Albert Einstein, who called it “spooky action at a distance”. Einstein did not have the opportunity to explore the phenomenon, and research continued until a breakthrough experiment took place at the University of Geneva in Switzerland in 1997.

The Geneva science team divided one photon (a particle of light) into two sub-particles, creating artificial “identical twins”. Using specially designed fiber-optic technology, they then sent the twins in opposite directions, separating them by a distance of seven miles. Both particles arrived at their separate destinations simultaneously. At the seven-mile terminus the pathway for each twin divided into two identical continuations. Each twin had to follow either one pathway or the other.

What astounded the scientific world was the occurrence that when the twins arrived at the divided pathway, each chose exactly the same route as the other. Furthermore, their choices were consistent every time the experiment was repeated.

Common knowledge understands that the particles are separate entities and that they have no means to communicate with each other. Nonetheless, their behavior indicates that they share a connection! This connection is the definition of entanglement – specifically, quantum entanglement.

Nicholas Gisin, team leader for the project, comments, “What is fascinating is that the entangled photons form one and the same object. Even when the twin photons are separated geographically, if one of them is modified, the other photon automatically undergoes the same change.”

Biological Faxing

The difference between quantum teleportation and the classic concept of disassembling matter and sending it across space is that in quantum teleportation the physical object does not travel. Instead, the information given to one quantum is teleported to its partner the same way that a fax works.

In faxing, the physical information on a document is transferred into energy waves which travel from one terminal to another. At their destination, the waves are converted back into readable form and the document is recreated onto fresh paper. The information has traveled, but the physical paper remains behind.

Replacing the fax terminals with quanta which have been entangled provides a means to teleport information. A “message” is created by adjusting one quantum, and the other receives it immediately. For example, one of an entangled pair is exposed to heat, and its twin reacts to the heat source to the same degree. If one becomes overheated, so does its partner.

Presently, the faxes involve only mineral atoms or beams of light. The potential lies ahead, however, of perfecting a biological fax – the sending of information between cells. When one skin cell would be exposed to sun, its fellow would develop a tan.

Ancient Vedic Tradition

In the Vedic tradition of pre-historic India, technology was developed to a degree far surpassing that of the present day..

In the Vedic tradition of pre-historic India, technology was developed to a degree far surpassing that of the present day. Much of it remains in the hands of sacred literature, in oral teachings and in the akashic record available to enlightened beings. Some details of the science on which it was based have been forgotten through lack of practice, but the foundations have been preserved and handed down from generation to generation.

Mystical Science

The rishis of the Vedic civilization, who were both mystics and scientists, discovered that matter and energy can be changed into each other

The rishis, or researchers, of the Vedic civilization, who were both mystics and scientists, discovered that matter and energy can be changed into each other. They aren’t fixed into permanent forms. The phenomenon can be seen every day. Whenever water is heated it becomes steam – it transforms from liquid to gas. When it is  frozen, it becomes ice, changing from liquid to solid.

The rishis took this natural occurrence several steps further and discovered how to dismantle matter (solid or liquid objects) completely into the energy particles it was composed from. The particles were then sent to the location where the object was needed and reassembled there into their previous shape, just our present-day physicists have theorized.

The rishis were also able to perform materialization, a process in which objects are formed seemingly from “nothing”.

The rishis were also able to perform materialization, a process in which objects are formed seemingly from “nothing”. Scientifically, energy is transformed into matter without having already had a solid shape. The imagination of the materializer provides the shape, color and design. For example, a yogi might want to give a talisman to a student, but none is available. He can “make” one from “nothing” by gathering energy and mentally forming it into the shape of the amulet he wants, then directing his energy to condense the molecules around him into solid substance.

Materialization is another ability demonstrated by modern-day yogic masters.

Spirituality and Siddhis

Siddhis are the birthright of each person; capabilities that lie hidden in ones biomemory ..

In the Vedic experience, teleportation was a common practice. It continues to exist today among the spiritual practitioners of India, Nepal and other areas whose religions descend from the Vedas: Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and Sikhs. Teleportation is a siddhi – a power and a  natural extension of human capacity. Siddhis are the birthright of each person; capabilities that lie hidden in ones biomemory and can be developed through spiritual practice. Teleportation is one of many such abilities.

The path to enlightenment through yogic practice was recorded by an ancient master named Patanjali..

Much Vedic knowledge was not written down and thus has been hidden through the centuries in the treasured keeping of scholars and spiritual adepts. The path to enlightenment through yogic practice, however, was recorded by an ancient master named Patanjali whose name has become known worldwide for the brilliance of his work.  Originally a small portion of a vast body of writings, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali  is a collection of sutras – short aphorisms phrased very concisely for easy memorization by students, on the nature of reality and the mapping of human consciousness.  Within these sutras lies the core of the Vedic science of evolution, the development of the Self.

Patanjali, himself an enlightened being, gives remarkable insights and instructions on how to transform oneself through spiritual practice. One side consequence of this inner expansion is the appearance of various siddhis such as teleportation. Patanjali cautions the seeker after enlightenment that siddhis should not be a goal for their own sake, and that if they develop they should not focused upon, lest they distract from the main purpose of practice. Nonetheless, their presence may be made known: it is among yogic adepts that these abilities are found.

The rishis learned that matter can be transformed into energy, and the reverse, through meditation

The link between siddhis such as teleportation and spiritual practice was commonly understood by the ancient rishi/saints. The rishis learned that matter can be transformed into energy, and the reverse, through meditation. Meditation, by its very nature, aligns with spirituality. While it is technically possible to meditate in a secular setting, it is a rare occurrence.  The inner awareness which supports meditation and  is enhanced by it naturally amplifies our sense of connectedness with something divine beyond oneself.

Recorded Accounts of Teleportation

Teleportation has been observed and described in many literary sources, both historically and today. Because of the interplay between mysticism and unusual abilities, most of these events have occurred in spiritual settings. The reason for that has now been clarified.

In the Hasidic tradition of ancient Judaism, rabbis who have sincerely and intensely practiced their prayers can develop kefitzat haderech, described as the ability to travel between two places over a wide distance, in an impossibly brief time. The term, mentioned in the Talmud, the book of Judaic mysticism, means literally “contracting the path” or “shortening the path”.

Jesus was observed in numerous examples of “appearing”, ostensibly out of nowhere.

Jesus was observed in numerous examples of “appearing”, ostensibly out of nowhere. One of the best examples is the incident during which he also walked on the water and rescued his disciples during a storm. His disciples were in a boat, crossing the Sea of Galilee, which measures about 6 miles from one shore to the other. When they reached the midpoint of the lake, a storm blew up and they feared being capsized. They saw Jesus walking toward them on the surface of the waves, and he assured them not to be afraid. As soon as Jesus joined the disciples in the boat, it landed on the shore — some two and a half miles distant. The boat and its occupants had teleported from the center of the lake, out of danger from the brewing storm.

John 6:16-24; commentary

The life of the Buddha tells of many mystical feats, but Buddha himself did not like to display his abilities and rarely used them.  However, one account relates that Buddha and 1,250 of his priestly order were blocked in their travels by the flooding waters of the River Ganga. Ganga when flooding has a current of more than seventy miles per hour and is nearly half a mile across.  No boat could take such a crowd across without great delay. The Buddha was on an urgent mission and did not want to wait for the river to subside. He stepped toward the river and suddenly he and all his disciples were on the opposite bank. Only a blink of eyes had elapsed. Mahaparinirvana Sutra 28-30

Recent Teleportation Accounts

Paramahamsa Yogananda, in his Autobiography of a Yogi, tells of an amulet that was teleported into his mother’s hands from her guru, Lahiri Mahasaya. She had taken Yogananda as a new baby to be blessed by the guru, who immediately recognized that the child would become a great mystic. He told the young mother that a talisman would come to her which she should give to her son when he showed interest in spirituality, and that once it had accomplished its task it would disappear. A silver amulet with sacred markings landed in her hands during meditation soon afterwards, and ultimately passed to Yogananda at her death. He kept it faithfully until one day it disappeared,just as prophesied. That same day he met his beloved guru and teacher, Sri Yukteshwar.

Another account comes from the childhood of Paramahamsa Nithyananda, a modern-day Indian enlightened master, who received a conch shell (used for blowing musically during temple ceremonies) from his teacher, Raghupati Yogi. Raghupati Yogi was an accomplished siddha whom many witnesses observed displaying multiple extraordinary abilities. He could levitate, shatter an iron chain around his chest by taking a deep breath, call snakes from their holes and birds from the sky, go for many days easily without food or water, and other feats beyond ordinary human capacity.

When the conch landed in his hands, Paramahamsa Nithyananda believed it had been materialized, but when he examined it he found a date carved on it, and thought his guru was tricking him. Raghupati Yogi explained that it had been teleported from his own home into the boy’s hands; it was a pre-existing object, transported from a distant location.

This account underscores the difference between teleportation and materialization. It is related in Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s biography, Nithyananda Vol 1.

Harnessing the Human Energy Field

How do practitioners of Vedic spirituality evolve their abilities? Why can’t everyone teleport who spends time in meditation?

The key to the access is stored within each person from birth..

The answer is that siddhis draw upon a specialized energy which lies dormant in the body. The human energy field, like an electrical field, surrounds and permeates the body. Just as electricity needs a conduit to concentrate and direct it before it can be used, human energy must be accessed to harness it. The key to the access is stored within each person from birth, but cannot be activated until one reaches a certain level of consciousness. That level is enhanced by meditation, and supplemented by other forms of practice.

Kundalini Awakening

In their experiments with energy the rishis evolved a name for this access, the door to human potential. They called it kundalini, meaning “the coiled one”. It lies curled up like a snake at the base of the spine. Once uncoiled during activation, it flows up the spine to flood and nourishes the brain, producing heightened awareness, clarity of thought, and often spontaneous healing of pre-existing illness.

The rishis evolved a reliable set of practices which awakened the kundalini. They are still in use today and are as effective as they were historically. They include meditation, regulated breathing which the rishis called pranayama, and a profound technology which they designed to expand mind, body and spirit. They named it yoga. Yoga means “to unite”, bringing together all dimensions of the human entity into one system.

Centuries of practitioners, teachers and innovators have taken yoga in many different directions. Many today consider it just a health or fitness modality. As a Vedic science, however, it has the power to revolutionize consciousness and awaken one’s kundalini.

Contemporary Research On Kundalini Awakening

Paramahamsa Nithyananda is passionately committed to reviving the ancient Vedic sciences and bringing them into daily life

Paramahamsa Nithyananda, the youthful present-day master described in the conch shell story above, has established an experiential renaissance of the Vedic tradition at his retreat center in modern-day India. Paramahamsa Nithyananda has spent his entire life, beginning from age three, in advanced spiritual practice. He reached the state of enlightenment – a permanent state of expanded consciousness – at the age of twenty-two. As a master of meditation who has himself achieved many siddhis including teleportation, he is passionately committed to reviving the ancient Vedic sciences and bringing them into daily life to benefit humanity.

A beautiful mineral from moon, for the first time, got materialized to a devotee in the direct Presence of Swamiji in Bidadi ashram

Working actively with scientists and researchers worldwide to decode the mystical yogic sciences of the East, he has conducted research with numerous control populations, testing the conditions under which these processes operate and the mechanisms by which they can be duplicated in people without many arduous years of spiritual practice.

Experiments With Kundalini

He has found that awakening the kundalini  facilitates the flowering of siddhis even in “ordinary” human beings — those who have not spent a lifetime in yogic pursuits.  He has also discovered how to awaken the kundalini in others. He has learned that the first siddhis to manifest in his experiments have been levitation, materialization and teleportation.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda has teleported many objects and substances across distances ranging from a few meters to thousands of miles..

Experimenting in the realms of teleportation, materialization and levitation, first with small  groups and then extending into the public domain, Paramahamsa Nithyananda has teleported many objects and substances across distances ranging from a few meters to thousands of miles. He has sent powdered turmeric and sacred ash – items used in Vedic rituals –  from India to locations in North America, Europe and the Middle East. At times he has teleported carvings from his quarters into his public meditation hall. In one such event, he transferred a palm-sized statue of the Hindu elephant god Ganesha, which he himself had made, to the hands of a follower sitting near him in the hall.  The statue had previously been in his room at a distance of 10 minutes’ walk.

Increased Bliss, Dynamic Energy

Paramahamsa Nithyananda speaks on Kundalini awakening in the context of teleportation: “Kundalini Awakening (2012 Truth Not Just Prophecy)

When Kundalini energy is awakened, the energy goes up by 967%..

Kundalini is the inner potential energy which is available to all of but is not directly used by us.  When Kundalini energy is awakened, there are physical effects on the body. The brain patterns get rewired to a higher conscious coherence. The highest possible conscious coherence starts happening. The mitochondrion cell energy goes up.  Mitochondria are the batteries of the body cell. The energy goes up by 967% compared to only 40% by any available physical exercises such as yoga or working out at a gym.  Healing of the physical diseases automatically happens and ultimately the highest consciousness is achieved.

Kundalini Awakening brings many benefits but one is mental health, the feeling of well being.  Every day when one wakes up  the intense excitement to live that day will happen.  The tremendous enthusiasm and job to live every day will be an excitement!  Every day will be inspiring you, not perspiring.  When one experiences Kundalini Awakening the whole brain  goes through a new “rewiring”.  New subtle brain grooves start developing in his system.

The non-mechanical parts of the brain get awakened. The brain has two parts –  one is mechanical and the other is non-mechanical. The mechanical parts of the brain control the breathing and your blood circulation.  Mechanical parts are functioning in all normal human beings.

The non-mechanical parts of the brain are like telepathy, teleportation, extraordinary powers.  Now so much research is happening in the line of telepathy. The scientific community has experienced that it is possible. Teleportation is possible. These are the extraordinary powers of the mind. The brain is hard-wired to experience the ultimate and play with all the extraordinary energies of the cosmos and all energies of the universe.  Kundalini awakening means awakening all the non-mechanical parts of the brain.”

Duplicating  the Science

The ability to carry sound from one location to another is a preliminary form of teleportation..

The ability to transport physical solid objects across significant distances, and even the ability to transport oneself, is achieved in the Vedic context by awakening one’s kundalini. Can the science be duplicated through mechanistic technology alone? Modern calculations have already discovered some of the science of the rishis. The pattern of sound waves in a telephone is carried by an electric current from the source to the destination, where it is ‘reconverted’ to sound. The ability to carry sound from one location to another is a preliminary form of teleportation.

Sound, however, travels in invisible waves. Although it is known to exist and therefore has substance, it seems simpler to re-pattern a sound wave than to dissolve and reconstruct a tangible object. The consequences are less damaging if the object dissolves as injury to a sound wave is not likely.

Activating the kundalini can make teleportation a reality for every human being..

Currently scientists are stating that they expect to be able to teleport human beings “in about three hundred years”. Given the sudden leaps in technological advancement and the discoveries of the past century, that might be an overly cautious estimate. Vedic science and mysticism is again readily available, there is no need to wait the painstaking development of conventional science. Activating the kundalini can make teleportation a reality for every human being.

Humanitarian Aspects

Why is teleportation important?  Other than making our daily lives more convenient, is it significant? Paramahamsa Nithyananda sees it as a pivotal step in humanity’s evolution. He delivers his insights:

“In the science of teleportation, all objects are energy particles – they can be dismantled and assembled again by the same energy.  All objects are made out of energy, dismantled and assembled anywhere, as the whole base remains as energy.

Q: What is the benefit of teleportation to humanity? A: When someone receives teleported material in their hand or body, or sits in a place where the receiving is happening, the whole space  vibrates in the highest frequency by whom teleportation happens. The other day some scientists were explaining A is a teleporter,  B is the teleported object and C is where it is teleported.  B & C  vibrate in the same frequency of A, and then B disappears and appears in C.

If there is teleportation happening in your hand or your presence, your body raises to the highest frequency

If there is teleportation happening in your hand or your presence, your body raises to the highest frequency. That is the benefit to humanity. The object itself is not a big thing. Of course materializing a diamond can be important, but for me, stone and diamond are the same thing. Only some people value a diamond.

The object teleported itself doesn’t matter much – vibhooti, kumkum – but the vibration of teleportation is something extraordinary. Please understand, dismantling and assembling can happen.”

Paramahamsa Nithyananda describes teleportation in terms of Vedic cosmogony, and demonstrates that the two processes are the same:

“Hiranyagarbha, the cosmic mother womb, the creation that happened; Meenakshi (a Vedic goddess); when dismantling and assembling, teleporting & materializing, this is the presence of the Intense Mother.

Decide you will start living, from self interest in your system. When you are in such a presence you can raise your frequency.”

when we witness a high-energy event like teleportation, our own energy responds..

He goes on to explain that when we witness a high-energy event like teleportation, our own energy responds and becomes infused with the high vibrational level of the event.  Repeated exposure can permanently raise our energy to a more advanced frequency.

“Positive things will be expressing in your life. Make a decision.  It becomes something you discover:  your muscle memory, your most inner intelligence, you may be foolishly fighting it. But in the space of the Master, space where the teleportation happens, high intensity space, your brain will pick up extraordinary energy. The non-mechanical  parts will be awakened.

“Teleportation and materialization are directly useful because of the high frequency in which they happen. The energy field where this kind of material is getting dismantled, moved, reappearing: when you go and sit there, the energetic information of teleportation takes place in you.  It has more value than a just the money value of a teleported object, when you are in the presence.  In teleportation and materialization, you may not have personally received the object in your hand, but you receive the information.

This information relates to successful life, health , enlightenment – really our body is just a computer   it can be programmed. This energy of teleportation is just like software.

Let there be kum kum teleported!  Teleportation is programming; when heat is felt in our bodies during the process, programming happens in us. We receive the essence of  101 great truths! That is the benefit of materialization and teleportation.”

Nithyananda ends by pointing out that not only objects, but thoughts as well, can be teleported. This branch of teleportation is sometimes called telepathy.

..101 great truths that  I don’t express verbally  get teleported into all of your systems

“When you feel heat you are being programmed. 101 great truths that  I don’t express verbally  get teleported into all of your systems. Understand, all of the information on teleportation happens inside you, even if the kumkum doesn’t happen in your hands.”

The age of teleportation is no longer a dream of science fiction. It has arrived.

Teleportation: the New Reality

As scientists explore the mysteries of energy transference, those on the leading edge are realizing that the scriptures describing the Vedic culture’s experiences with energy are literally true.  Prior to the advent of quantum physics, it was assumed by scientists and Vedic scholars alike that the formulas and concepts recorded in the sacred texts were metaphors, mystical abstractions. Now the realization is dawning that they are practical accounts, offering a template  which can be duplicated.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda is inviting scientists to collaborate with him to make Vedic technology available for universal use.

Laying claim to that knowledge can create a large short-cut for the step-by-step process of laboratory physics.  Paramahamsa Nithyananda, through his experiments, has found a way to offer this short-cut to the world. He is inviting scientists to collaborate with him to make Vedic technology available for universal use.

One Comment

  1. I believe that prana(Aka chi) energy is at a frequency in the terrahertz region just under light.i also beleive that this energy isnt a standard electromagetic wave but it is more possibly. A scalar wave energy
    More exactly it is amagnetic scalar wave.i also beleive that source of this energy tunned to the dna frequency could be used to unwrap tje curreled up dna and thereby asisting with the kundalini awakening.

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